Wednesday, December 11, 2019

My Online Footprint

Image result for online footprint
This week we were prompted to perform an audit of our online presence. I hadn't tried googling myself in a long time so I was excited (and slightly nervous) to see what I would find. Once I got my first smartphone as a freshmen in high school, I quickly became enthralled with the seemingly endless possibilities and infinite world of the social media. Nowadays, I'd like to think that I'm pretty responsible online as it pertains to the information I allow about myself but we'll see...

So it turns out, its not very easy to find me information about me via simple Google search. I guess the name "Kiara Johnson" is JUST common enough to hide me among the masses. The few things I found about me were usually related to my high school lacrosse career, a few local news articles here and there but even that was pretty hidden in the search. I was pleasantly surprised to find so little about myself and breathed a sigh of relief.
Next, I decided to take a look at my Instagram as an outsider looking in to see what a stranger could possibly learn about me. Here's some of the things a stranger could learn about me from my Instagram (my posts and posts I'm tagged in) at this moment:
- My age and birthday
- I have two older sisters and a brother
- My parents' faces
- Where I went to high school
- Where I go to college
- When I graduate from college
- That I played lacrosse in high school (more specifically, that I played goalie)
- That I was nationally ranked goalie at one time
- That I sing in a gospel choir here on campus

Granted, its not a lot of super personal information since I don't post on Instagram that often but there is a lot of things relating to my personality, hobbies, and close friends and family as well.
I always thought I was comfortable with how my social media/online presence reflects me, but I definitely think its wise to review it every once and a while.

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