Sunday, December 8, 2019

Diffusion of Innovations: Twitter

twitter GIF

I'd like to think of myself as somewhat of a social media aficionado, especially as it pertains to Twitter. It is how I receive most- if not all- of my news and it is the medium through which I stay connected with many people I know. I thought it apropos to apply Roger's Diffusion of Innovation theory to this extremely popular platform and its history.

  • Experimental
    • 2006 - Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey originally develops Twitter as an SMS-based communications platform where friends could post status updates and keep tabs on one another. On March 21, 2006, Dorsey sent the first tweet.
Related image
  • Take Off 
    • April 2009 - A Twitter feud between Ashton Kutcher and CNN over who would be the first to reach one million followers (Kutcher won) followed by Evan Williams (co-founder and then-CEO of Twitter) appearing on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" to set up her account leads to record-setting rates of new user sign ups.
    • September 2011 - Twitter reaches 100 million users
Tipping Point  October 2012 - Twitter acquires Vine
  • Saturation
    • December 2012Twitter passes 200 million monthly ACTIVE users
    • February 2013 - I joined Twitter
  • Maturation
    • 2014-ish

The growth of Twitter has been very interesting to see and experience. Twitter was the first social media account I ever made, way back in 2013 and I believe that, more than other platforms, it has really taken on a mind of its own.

Twitter currently has more than 330 million active users

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