Monday, September 16, 2019

Build-A-Breaking News Story

Over the past couple of years, our nation has been subject to many rather, um...unfortunate political and pop culture headlines caused by our current Presidential administration. Most notably, the concept of "Fake News".

It is here.

It is there.


It sees us when we're sleeping. It knows when we're awake. You get the gist.

According to some individuals, fake news is an epidemic that has poisoned nearly every facet of modern mainstream news media. Others believe it be nothing more than a scare tactic towards journalism via national propaganda. Now, regardless of how the term began or what it has spiraled into, fake news and misinformation in the news has become a growing concern for many Americans. Especially considering the current state of our nation's leadership and the upcoming 2020 election.
Since many people (including myself) receive most, if not all, of their news through social media platforms, people have called upon these companies (Twitter, Facebook, etc.) to take vigilant action against the cyber-terrorists bent on deceiving the public...and Facebook has actually done it!!!!

Kinda. Sorta. Well...

Basically, back in 2017, Facebook made an announcement about a change they were implementing that would keep users from editing article headlines, pictures and other link data before posting the link on Facebook, thus limiting users from being able to post inaccurate and deceitful information under the guise of legitimate news.

Sounds pretty great, right? But, OF COURSE, some users have discovered a loophole around this, which is always a possibility in this sea of technology and innovation we live in. However, Facebook doesn't really seem to care too much. As evident in the article, Facebook has dealt with a lot of criticism since the 2016 presidential election regarding egregious amounts of misinformation on its platform- which has spurred all of their recent efforts towards integrity and honesty within their platform. However, the loophole mentioned in the article was reported multiple times to Facebook with no avail, so the question remains:

Is Facebook doing enough to curb fake news or enough to make it LOOK like it is???

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