Monday, September 2, 2019

From Twitter Fingers to Constitution Fingers

In 2019, we have embraced the plethora of social networking platforms and utilized them to their nearly limitless potential. We use them to connect to distant loved ones, meet new people, advertise our businesses, sell our products, promote our cousin's abysmal SoundCloud. 

However, with most things meant for good, there's always gonna be people who have nothing better to do than use their Cheeto™ dust-covered fingers to spread hate, lies and negativity. The great thing about about social media is that we have the option to block these internet trolls when we come across them and simply move on...well, most of us can.

According to several First Amendment groups, New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is violating the Constitution by choosing to block certain trolls and harassers on her personal Twitter account, @AOC. These groups claim that as a government official, Cortez's twitter is a public forum and blocking people infringes on their First Amendment right to free speech...

To me that sounds pretty unreasonable. The Twitter account in question is her PERSONAL account, not her official government account. Obviously public officials are allowed to be criticized publicly, however...having the right to do something doesn't mean it is without consequence. There's a difference between criticism and harassment and I don't blame her for wanting to clear a small portion of that weight from her life.

AOC Blocks Twitter Trolls

Image result for aoc

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